

Universal Law: Galaxy civilization

The book has been reprinted many times, more and more people will pay attention, probably all the people in this world has a lot of doubts and their contemporary world of religious, philosophical and scientific theories of natural increasingly dissatisfied with the explanation, they are waiting for better discoveries and breakthroughs. This book at this point of time, answered the existing religion, philosophy and even science can’t answer the question, but gave some possible answers. Believe that in the future, there will be more and more people who will trust and accept this book, love it, support it, and continue to improve it. People who read this will have the knowledge of it, and constantly feel the power and find that social illness and reform it, get rid of it, so that our society will progress and knowledge will advance, there will be no more war. By that time, the Earthlings will be proud to say in the whole wide universe, we also understand the rules of the universe, and you could go now to join the ranks.

The mystery of crop circles had been unraveled!

Author carefully analyzed for the recent crop circle pattern from year 1990 to 2014, and surprisingly those crop circles were very similar with the general idea of his books on the year 2003, year 2007 and year 2013, he could have used the "Golden Classic" to explain about 10% of the crop circles, the "Universal law" to explain about 30% and the "Great ultimate theory" can explain about 50%. They wanted to use Earth’s language to translate the significance of graph! Even more surprising is the fact that these crop circle graphics can not be explained only by one book, or two books, but they must use his three books to explain all of the crop circles. He thought it was a miracle. The power of wisdom! He then decided to declare the mystery of crop circles had been unraveled! New book: Crop Circle: Cosmic civilization



當我在海邊徹悟宇宙法則後,就開始寫作“宇宙法則”這部書。 在寫作期間,我經常看到和夢到有光纏繞我,我一直以為是月光,但這光很奇怪,有時有,有時沒有,像是黑暗中的燈塔。 每次這種光出現後,我的寫作興趣就大升,一下就寫很多,好像就象洪水一樣,寫了幾天,我累了,不想寫了,這光就又來了。他們不讓我睡覺,半夜爬起來也要寫完,寫完就可睡了。 2003年我完成 “宇宙法則” 一書後,我讓許多朋友看,我也告訴他們,我的書能解釋 “麥田圈之謎”。可他們都笑話我,說我腦子有問題。他們說:“麥田圈是地球人的惡作劇,拿個板子壓的,什麼外星人,都是胡說!”。他們還說:“要是解釋也是大學教授來解釋,還輪不上你這個小人物!” 不過我也很疑惑,亞洲人都是很保守的,通常沒有 100% 的把握,不會宣佈一件事情,當時的麥田圈也不複雜,我的 “宇宙法則” 書可解釋其大部分,但還有許多無法解釋。我就放棄宣佈我的“宇宙法則”已解釋了麥田圈。 在當時,“宇宙法則”這個命題幾乎沒有人寫,我查遍了 google 搜索,幾乎就無這個詞,澳洲和亞洲的圖書館幾乎就無這個命題的書,英國的大英圖書館裏也沒有,最後只在美國的國會圖書館裏查到有一部叫“Universal law” 的書,但那也是17和18世紀人寫的,當時我查書名是因為我怕與人同名,有人追我版權,當時我認為一部好書不可與人同名。而此書已過了50年,我就用了 “Universal law” 做書名,中文名就叫“宇宙法則”。 我2003年11月完成後,我未申請書號,不知道,2004年初申請了國際書號,又將第一版修改了一下,將第二版寄給了澳洲國家圖書館,澳洲沒有什麼自己的文化,除了歐美的,就是亞洲的,這書應為澳洲的文明做了貢獻。 近年來,我發現用 “Universal law” 和“宇宙法則”做書名的書越來越多,這主要是我的書,中文,英文都有,在 google 上,在 amazon 上推廣的越來越快,越來越廣,更多的人認同了我的書,大概他們都認為宇宙中有“Universal law” 和“宇宙法則”這個法則存在,名字也很響,就一窩蜂的用,什麼有文學的,有小說的,有愛的,善的,什麼12個宇宙法則, 7個宇宙法則,三萬六千法門之一,亂七八糟,而且都是地球人的思維。 從2004年到2006年間,我在增補“宇宙法則”, 但夜晚的光來的不如剛寫“宇宙法則”時來的密集,但有一陣又來的密集了,我又睡不著了,我這時開始寫 “典金經”。在構思的總體之後,光就來的少了,2007年1 月我完成了“典金經”, 又能解釋了部分麥田圈,但還有許多無法解釋。 從2008年到2010年間,夜晚的光有時來,但不是很多,我挺高興,睡得挺香,這時我編輯了 “天益論哲”,“人生論哲”,這基本是為網友服務,建立了一整套未來中華文明體系,我覺得很有意義。 2010年後我覺得有點累,我不想再寫了,因為我的工作與這些一點關係沒有,我又不是大學的研究人員,有政府的工資供養,我也不知我寫這些有何意義,有多少地球人理解我,我可能還會遭受他們的啐罵。 在我想完全放棄時,到2011年,這些光又來了,他們在深夜裏吵的我不寧,我的頭腦很痛,很漲,嗡嗡亂響,無法入睡。我很氣,但無辦法,不得不半夜起來又寫,寫完就可睡了。另一部書的總體結構就這樣很快完成了,我自己都不知道怎樣寫的。 2013年9月,我已完成了另一部書,“大終極理論”,我在回頭再看麥田圈,天呀!越來越多,越來越複雜。 我將書對 “麥田圈”的解釋給朋友看,這時他們再不說這些圖形是地球人的惡搞和板子壓的了,因為地球人就根本達不到這些高智慧圖形的水準,他們根本就不理解這些圖形的意義。 我將網上近年來的麥田圈圖形仔細的分析,竟然與我寫的書的總體思路一模一樣,從2003年已前的簡單麥田圈,我用 “宇宙法則”就可解釋,到 2013年,要用 “大終極理論”進行解釋,他們是要我用地球語言來翻譯這些圖形給這個星球的人呀! 更奇怪的是,這些麥田圈圖形是用一本書是無法解釋的,兩部書也不行,而且必須要用三部書,也就是說,一定要用“典金經”,“宇宙法則”和“大終極理論”三部書同時進行解釋,交叉溶合,才能真正理解這些麥田圈。 我是一個很保守的人,不喜欢张扬,无把握的事我从不干。我從不寫日記,甚至連博客都懶得寫,可竟然寫下這樣三部書,連我自己都認為是奇跡。智慧的力量! 1) 2)



经过澳大利亚海之涛的多年的研究,麦田圈之谜已揭开,它是外太空智慧人类给地球人的启示,他们传播的就是宇宙法则, 与笔者2003年写的书“宇宙法则”,2007年写的“典金经”,和最近完成的另一部著作“大终极理论”, 讲的一模一样。
图片 这张麦田圈图讲述了“典金经” 故事,三人跨越空间传播宇宙法则。 图片
这张麦田圈图讲述了“宇宙法则” 一书的要点。 图片
这张麦田圈图讲述了“大终极理论” 一书的要点。


哲学和历史; 神秘和智慧

哲学和历史; 神秘和智慧



1) 这个宇宙中的神秘您可能永远也想不通.


原始制 - 奴隶制 - 封建制 - 民主制 - 统一制

黄帝和炎帝将中国从原始制变到奴隶制. ( 经过2000年)
秦始皇将中国从奴隶制变到封建制. (经过2000年)

目前是一个从封建制到民主制的转折点, 谁能将中国变成民主制, 他无疑将同黄,炎帝和秦始皇齐名.

从哲学智慧来看, 黄,炎帝创造了易经, 到周文王达到完美, 中国在2000年的奴隶制哲学中, 只有一个易经智慧.


哲学智慧的转折点又来了, …………

2) 这个宇宙的神秘也许您永远也不明白。

“易经”在中国流传的同时,西方(更确定是在中东地区)也有一部经在流传,它叫“圣经”,(更确定是圣经的上半部分 -------- 旧约)。


释迦牟尼出生在约公元前563年, 与老子( 约公元前571年 ~ 公元前471年)和孔子 ( 约公元前552年 ~ 公元前479年)基本同岁.

而在2000年的封建制中, 其它的哲学书只是在注解这几部书,直到如今的百家讲坛

3) 宇宙的神秘也许您永远也不清楚。





4) 宇宙的神秘也许您永远也不理解。


佛教哲学应该算是外来哲学,从一开始的几个印度传教士到汉人传教士,佛教哲学发生了很大改变,真正的哲学精华在 "宇宙法则" 一书有述,是否象今日的只是剔光头,耍几下拳脚功夫和背背经?




5) 宇宙的神秘也许您永远都迷惑。


穆罕默德(公元570—632年),在40岁时,即 (公元610年) 写下了一部书,叫“古兰经”。他本是一个文盲,不象当今的大学教授一样有这么多参考书。他从未看过书,但他就凭直觉和头脑,靠口说,别人笔录,写下一部非常哲学的书。此伊斯兰哲学更可看成是在圣经哲学基础上的改进哲学,当然是将“上帝”的名称改成 “阿拉”。



6) 宇宙的神秘,也许您永远需要思考。








7) 宇宙的神秘,也许您永远需要深思。

基督哲学与易经同时,非常古老,可传入中国却很晚,大约是在隋唐左右,在唐朝时叫 “景教”,此教的特点是说耶稣是神,能死而复生。


早在元朝时,蒙古军队杀入欧亚大陆,打通了东西方渠道,传入了流行于欧洲地区的罗马天主教和西亚地区的景教,据说元朝人称之为“也里可温教”,又名 “十字教”。但随着14世纪后期的元帝国灭亡,这些教就销声匿迹了。



(8) 宇宙的神秘,也许您需要一思再思。



明末清初,天主教(旧教)和基督教(新教,即耶稣教)传教士从海上来了,他们不再走阿富汗,走丝绸之路这样的陆地,因为那里有太多的旧哲学挡着。接着,随着欧洲列强的战舰吨位不断加大,传教士更倚仗着洋炮和洋枪的雄威,不再搞什么地下教会,明目张胆的公开传基督哲学了,有名象利玛窦(P.Matteo Ricci)、汤若望(John Adam Schall von Bell)、南怀仁(Ferdinandus Verbiest)等。


御用文人,粪青文人和历史学家从来都只说外国怎样,他们从不写 “我们中国统治者为什么这样愚?”;“中国不高兴愚统治者”; “中国愚统治者怎样和全球开仗”; ………………不思进步。全球都采议会制,三权分立;你却仍采封建制,皇帝制,教皇制,象日本这样的小国都能吸收基督哲学进行维新,变强,你为什么不行呢?看看当今大员的“我们的马体制一百年不变,绝不学西方”,与慈禧太后的“我们绝不学西方”的说法多相似呀!


历史真是太刺激了, 几千年来,中国统治者就是不断篡改历史教科书,根据政治需要进行愚民。他们最怕的就是民主,自由的精神,这是中国两千年无哲学,无思想,不断被打的原因!!!!!!!!!

9) 宇宙的神秘,需要探索。



卡尔。马克思 (1818 - 1883) 在1842年,写了第—篇政论文章《评普鲁士的书报检查令》。















孙中山(1866-1925)真昏了头,他刚刚接受了基督哲学的进攻,还娶了一个信基督的宋庆龄, 现又进来了马哲,怎么办呢?思前想后,他决定联俄,联共,扶助工农。




这几百万马哲党汉人军队,各个都拿起了枪,从那十几岁的红小鬼,到那八十多红老鬼,人人都是钢铁战士。几百万钢铁战士对国民党的几百万土坯军队。谁输谁赢明眼人都知。这钢铁战士的身躯就是马哲气功搞硬的,各个都抢着去堵枪眼,而且都说打不死,瞧那电影的慢镜头:“我看到红旗啦!我要临死入党了,我要交最后一次党费了,…………..” 两个小时的电影,这钢铁战士在那里半死不活着折腾一小时,我真为他着急!打不死呀!

几百万汉人打几百万汉人!死了多少人?为了什么呢?就是为了西方哲学能进入中国的权力机构!奇怪吧!中国人为了一个西方的马哲学竟杀死这么多自己人, 太残忍了!这是任何非洲小国家的军事政变无法比的。



儒,道两家中国哲学,随着时间的推移,一步步向后退。外来哲学随着时间推移,一步步增强向里推,最终真的成为中国的统治者。 国共两党之争决不是什么简单的两党之争,而实际是外来西方哲学与中华民族哲学的生死之战,和最后,最惨烈的决战。


一点是有希望的,这些东方马群都是些东方种,不是那蓝眼睛,高鼻子的西方种,所以他们根本不懂西方的马哲学,只能算是传教马,或是那经常被各国政府取缔的最大教会传销商,他们传销教的口号就是:“入教就能当官, 入教就能赚钱!”





原始制 - 奴隶制 - 封建制 - 民主制 - 统一制
奴隶制,公元前3000 - 公元前500
封建制,公元前500 - 公元2000
民主制,公元2000 - 公元4500 (预测)
统一制,公元4500 年以后(预测)


从2001-2003年,我在 “宇宙法则” 一书中已写道:中国从2009年开始,将有30年的下降。为什么呢?我来解释一下。





第1中波,从1919 - 1948年,共30年,为革命。(向上)
第2中波,从1949 - 1978年,共30年,为文革。(向下)
第3中波,从1979 - 2008年,共30年,为改革。(向上)
第4中波,从2009 - 2038年,共30年,为变革。(向下)
第5中波,从2039 - 2068年,共30年,为命革。?



第1小波,从1919 - 1924年,共6年,为革命的诞生期。活动为喊反政府口号,打砸抢,杀贪官,地主和劣绅。国民政府采取军警镇压,关押闹事者,枪杀严重造事者。政见死亡人数在每年百人左右。
第2小波,从1925 - 1930年,共6年,为革命的发展期。活动为学运变义军和游击队,开始建立根据地,组织起义,与政府军小量冲突,政见死亡人数在每年千人左右。
第3小波,从1931 - 1936年,共6年,为革命的成长期。活动范围进一步扩大,游击队变红军建立根据地也扩大,与政府军军事冲突增大,政见死亡人数在每年万人左右。
第4小波,从1937 - 1942年,共6年,为革命的壮大期。红军变正规军,根据地进一步扩大,可组织军队与政府军大量冲突,更多平民参与进来,政见死亡人数在每年十万人左右。
第5小波,从1943 - 1948年,共6年,为革命的成熟期。与政府军进行大规模决战,直到全民内战,多次大规模战役将政府军击溃,政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右。

总结:从1919年开始的三条大阳线,注定了革命军有30年的革命,最终推翻了国民政府,这三条大阳线就是 “民主,革命,自由”这三句口号。


第1小波,从1949 - 1954年,共6年,为文革初期。对内,三反,五反,四清运动;对外,抗美援朝,闭关锁国,政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右。
第2小波,从1955 - 1960年,共6年,为文革2期。对内,各种运动,大跃进,人民公社;对外,与苏联交恶,闭关锁国,政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右。
第3小波,从1961 - 1966年,共6年,为文革3期。对内,各种运动继续,三年自然灾害;对外,与周边国家的战争,闭关锁国,政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右。
第4小波,从1967 - 1972年,共6年,为文革4期。对内,各种运动继续,文化大革命;对外,与与周边国家的战争,闭关锁国,政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右。
第5小波,从1973 - 1978年,共6年,为文革5期。对内,各种运动继续,但有所反省,开始收敛,后期林彪事件,毛死和唐山大地震后,开始转折。对外,与周边国家的战争停止,与美建交,政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右(前期)。

总结:从1949年开始的三条大阴线,注定了共和国有30年的弯路,这三条大阴线就是 “对外战争,对内批斗,闭关锁国” 这三句口号。


第1小波,从1979 - 1984年,共6年,为改革初期。华国锋粉碎了四人帮, 开放了文化和教育,对内,对过去的整人错误平反和昭雪;对外,开放与周边国家的外交关系,政见死亡人数在每年百人左右。
第2小波,从1985 - 1990年,共6年,为改革2期。邓小平继续华国锋政策, 对内,开放文化, 教育,经济;对外,开放与周边国家的外交关系,政见死亡人数在每年百人左右 ( 除1989年 )。
第3小波,从1991 - 1996年,共6年,为改革3期。邓小平继续对内,开放文化, 教育, 经济,但不对政治改革;对外,开放与世界各国家的外交关系,政见死亡人数在每年百人左右。
第4小波,从1997 - 2002年,共6年,为改革4期。江泽民继续邓小平政策,对内,开放文化, 教育, 经济;对外,开放与世界各国家的外交关系,政见死亡人数在每年百人左右。
第5小波,从2003 - 2008年,共6年,为改革5期。胡,温继续邓小平政策,对内,开放文化, 教育, 经济;对外,开放与世界各国家的外交关系,政见死亡人数在每年百人左右。

总结:从1979年开始的三条大阳线,注定了中国有30年的改革,这三条大阳线就是 “改革,开放,稳定”这三句口号。注意,不论是江,还是胡,温,他们都是继承邓小平的经济开放,政治稳定的政策,就是不对政治进行改革,这就埋下了今后30年的风雨。



假如中国政府能在政治上进行改革而不是空喊口号,我说的改革不是将中国改乱,而是给中国公民更大的参政权利,如话语权, 出版权, 参政权。


第1小波,从2009 - 2014年,共6年,为变革初期。社会矛盾变得尖锐,贪官,不法盛行,官商勾结欺压百姓,官民对持出现,官杀民,民杀官,民聚众闹事,烧砸县政府时有发生,但这时军警仍可控制局面,进行镇压,情形就象党的诞生期1919 - 1924年的情况。政见死亡人数在每年百人左右。
第2小波,从2015 - 2020年,共6年,为变革2期。社会矛盾变得更尖锐,贪官,不法更盛行,官商,黑社会勾结欺压百姓,官民对持大规模出现,官杀民,民杀官,市民聚众闹事,烧砸县,区政府更频繁,这时军警虽仍可镇压,但起义军已出现,他们将在各地打击政府机构,情形就象党的发展期1925 - 1930年的情况。政见死亡人数在每年千人左右。
第3小波,从2021 - 2026年,共6年,为变革3期。起义军将占据边远农村,并向小城市进攻,得到大多数民众的支持,情形就象党的成长期1931 - 1936年的情景。政见死亡人数在每年万人左右。
第4小波,从2027 - 2032年,共6年,为变革4期。起义军将占据农村和小城市,并向中等城市进攻,沿途得到大多数民众的支持,情形就象党的成长期1937 - 1942年的情景。政见死亡人数在每年十万人左右。
第5小波,从2033 - 2038年,共6年,为变革5期。起义军将向大城市进攻,沿途得到大多数民众的支持,有几次大的决定性战役将展开,并彻底将大共朝军击溃。就象党的成熟期1943 - 1948年的情景。政见死亡人数在每年百万人左右。

总结:从2008年开始出现三条大阴线,注定了中国有30年的风雨,这三条大阴线就是 “天灾,地难,人祸”这三句口号。天灾,指气候,水灾,虫灾,风灾, 干旱, 病毒;地难,指地震和火山;人祸,指官无理欺压百姓,社会矛盾激化。


我不会象大共朝的智囊团和太监,大臣一样吹嘘天下太平,英明领导!专捡好的说! 这样是害了中国,而不是救中国。



他们不会说自己是酒囊饭袋,不能为统治者出谋划策,而是推到外国反动派,国内敌对势力亡我之心不死。他们只强调外因,不说内因,将中国国内目前的民乱归为境外的反对派,藏独,台独,疆独 ………,实际上非常可笑!我想中国政府也一定是想亡美国之心不死。但想亡又怎样?你敢真亡它吗?您敢用原子弹亡它吗?
中国政府对汉人和少数民族的政策不同,比如教育,生育等,将汉人和少数民族分成两个团体,而不是中华民族一个团体, 我从没见到美国,澳大利亚给国内的少数民族什么优惠政策,可他们都认是美国人,澳大利亚人!

1) 中国政府要从“天”这个概念上改,即要敬天,要深深的敬畏,不要信马教的唯物论邪说,和什么战天斗地!不要信有枪就能出政权,有枪能杀人就保政权?
我相信中国政府经过2008年的天灾,民暴已经胆寒了。只有相信自然法则,不要再坚持马教的无神论, 才能救中国于水火。
因此,要顺应自然,战天斗地和唯物论等邪说要改,引伸到“共产党” 这个名称一定要改。我建议改成“人民党”,“改革党”,“和谐党’。当然您们也可选择“民主党”和“共和党”这个名称,但千万不能再要“共产党”这个全球人都啐弃名称,这是暴乱之根,民族战争之患。这叫顺天意!

全北京城是大坟地周围的民宅,所以北京城常常阴雾笼罩,风沙漫天,忽冷忽热,不见蓝天,与大坟地的征兆一模一样,而中南海,正是前朝皇帝被药死之地 ( 毛可能就是前朝皇帝阴魂缠绕,进去就想复辟当皇帝,想三宫六院七十二偏妃 )。每当我回到北京,常常感到阴风袭袭,胸闷气喘,一病数周,不寒而栗。再也没有我童年的蓝天和平和。
我不知世界上的大共朝为什么都喜欢将前领导人的尸体放在城中央,苏联,朝鲜,中国,越南…………. 无不如此,奇怪呀!奇怪!
所以,我建议要这样改,将毛遗像放到广场左面的历史博物馆里,那是它该去的地方。广场右面的人民大会堂应叫“人民议事堂”或叫 “人民议会”。
中心的“人民英雄纪念碑” 的碑文要改,不是30年来牺牲的烈士,而是几千年来所有为民主和自由而牺牲的勇士,纪念碑的上方最好不是皇家房子状,将皇家房子顶铲平,上面放一个自由女神像站在纪念碑的上方,表烈士们为民主和自由女神而死,不是为了王朝的更迭而死,平息他们久聚不散的阴魂和怨气。
石碑南面是毛尸陵墓要改命为“公正堂”, 做为处理人民来访的地方,毛尸要搬到八宝山或湖南老家去,那是它该去的地方。“公正堂”将轮流由一个政治局常委坐镇,处理上访和冤假错案,以及地方要员侵民行为。
北京是全中国的风水中心,北京不是大坟地了, 全国各地的风水都会自行调整,这些地灵的转变必然减少全国的天灾,地难,人祸死亡人数, ………………。

我记得我小时常唱 : “共产党一心为中国……….., “ 那中华民族的思想难道比西方的马教思想差吗? 既然西方的马教思想将中国搞的如此混乱, 为什么不用中华民族的思想试一试呢?
“人”是有思想的, 敬人,就是要尊重人民的思想和意志。
当在 “天”,“地”,“人”三方面都做了改变后,我保证“大共朝”,不,而叫“共和国”,在今后的30年间,绝对会成为一个稳定的国家,没有民族矛盾,没有国土分裂,没有宗教战争!
如: 民主制,公元2000 - 公元4500
统一制,公元4500 年以后

目前是在“民主制” 这个第4大波的开始上。就象大共朝变换期在第4中波的开始上一样。


universal publishing

Chapter Six:
Invisible Absolute Being

Questions and discussion:

1) What is the invisible God?
2) What are the four major religious significance and essence?
3) What are the religious and scientific significance?
4) Why worship would let people go lower-level?
5) Why the war and human disaster is with idol worship?

1. Forward
In last chapter, we say that the universe is structured, but also energy. The top is the God, which divided by the invisible and visible God. People can understand God, animals can only understand human, because people will seize animals for their eating. Animal can not crossed the gap of human to understand God. It is precisely because people can feel that God, it produced religions.

2. Four major religions

1) Christian
From the first century, Jesus was born in Nazareth in Palestine, he founded a Christian. Later, Christian divided into Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and other main factions. The main Christian classic book is "Bible".
Christian teachings that God is three in one God, is the creator of all things in heaven and earth, but also the history of the world dominate to trial. Devil Satan is God's opponent, Jesus is the son of God, or the Holy Spirit descending on him, so that he has made Gods, so he can turn death to revival.
Christian classic "Bible" was written by different prophets, the implicit lessons of God, the prophets, and thus the world reformed, the charity thing. It teaches people duty, made it possible to complete.

Fig. 6-1 Christian

Analysis: In addition to the Bible's history and scripture all virtue and morality regulations, the main content is centered on intangible God and tangible God ------ Jesus. God is ".", however, people can not become God, although some people seem indeed some divinity. Its causes like, the water will feel thinking, but you can not say that the water has risen to the plant. The major difference of God and human is that life, even ape can stay alive today, still amounted to less than the minimum physical standards of God, as the minimum level of the Earth's physical God, at least have the life span of a few billion years.
Moreover, even if the life of the visible God has been a long, but they will still die, as the Earth, Sun, galaxies until universal center will be death, the never death is that the only eternal rules ------- ".", "1", "o".

2) Islam
In the seventh century, the Arab Prophet Mohammed founded Islam, and the major classics book is the "Koran".
Islamic teachings are that Allah is the only and unique real God, the all-powerful master. Islam did not think that the Christian Trinity, nor believed that Jesus Christ is God, who can revive, only with the view that Jesus, like Mohammed is the messenger of God sent.

Fig. 6-2 Islam
For Allah's great ability, morality, justice and the mercy, it was as same as God of Christianity. "Koran" indicated that the plan of the universe and the order to prove Allah's unique. In addition, the doctrine also includes legal, moral and guidelines.
Analysis: Islam apart from virtue and morality regulations, but also stresses an invisible God ------ "Allah", and same as Christianity, are all talking about ".".
Islam does not become Mohammed as a God shape, but "Allah" with the name "God", were given the name of the Earth's people, not the God of the universe. To the eternal God will not name, the name of God must be Earth person. These names began to separate the energy level between Earth people and Earth people, and between the Earth people and the universe Homo sapiens, the war originated in these names.
In addition, traditional religion means too hard to "o". If the woman has always been "o", but men still feel that they are not enough "o". Man would use cloth wrap woman, leaving only a binocular. This cloth is as a wall so that woman can not be extended. In old China, men crushed girl’s foot bones into small feet when she was very young, so that the girls can not walk a long distance away when they grow up, women have to do the feminist movement for raising the level of energy.

3) Buddhism
Sakyamuni was born in BC 563 years of India. BC 528, he understood the universe truth under a bodhi tree and become a Buddha, and then founded Buddhism. All the classics of Buddhism were oral made by Sakyamuni himself, and recorded by the disciples. Later, Buddhism divided many sects, such as the Mahayana and Hinayana, Tantric, Zen --------.
The main teachings of Buddhism are that the universe has not beginning and the end, do not exist a creator to create the things with the emergence, people’s death and life is repeated and period process. Sakyamuni did not think he was God, was only instructors, the following are students, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Lohan is different degree.

Fig. 6-3 Buddhism

"Four Noble Truths" and "12 Causes" is the representative book of Buddhism. There are tens of thousands of law door on Buddhist, guiding day-to-day social life of the people of the world and ethical norm, it also includes govern people to do good deeds, upon satisfactory completion, and so on.
Analysis: Sutra is the most detailed on the "o", although created a large number of scriptures, many of arcane terminology, but still they talk about a concept, that is "o". Of course, this is a constantly rotating, expanding the "o". The center of "o" is empty, and Buddhists feel is nothing, satisfactorily, transform, and so on. The small "o" outward expansion into big "o" need to pay the energy, labor and hardships, and this is Buddhism's "plight". Many monks lived in seclusion mountains, practiced abstinence from meat, meditation, the perception about life, and do not go out of the "o". A certain large Master wrote "passed round away" in the end solemnly.

4) Taoist
From BC 476 to AD 220, China's Warring States era to the Qin and Han Dynasties, Laozi or old Dan or Lier founded Taoism. Major works is the "moral scriptures", Zhuangzi also made some contribution to the theory of Taoism.
The main Taoist teachings that the universe all things produced by the “Tao”, the same primitive, no height duration, no aristocrat and pariah, nor God created.
The Taoist developed yin-yang theory of the Book of Changes, proposed one make two; two make three, and three make all things as mathematical concepts, ideas of yin and yang balance, the universe promise are the “tai chi” thinking.
As for the "morality" and govern people to do good deeds in many developing upright deeds, Taoist has same fashion with the Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

Fig. 6-4 Taoist

Analysis: Taoism addition on the "o", also expounded on "1", however, it is not full of completion.
Apart from the above four major religions, there are still many other the faith, religious sects in countries around the world, such as the Titan, the Moon Gods, heroes, ghosts -------, various God, hundreds and hundreds.

3. Religious and scientific significance
In general, all religious sects emphasize the "virtue and morality" norms is an "o", the worship of God is one ".". They talk more about "." and "o", the less for "1", because science major stresses "1", so religion and science often conflict. From another perspective, four major sects also like a tree, Christianity and Islam letter God is the tree seeds, is "."; Buddhism stresses the contour of the tree is the "o"; Taoist description is the trees from small to large, continuously upward extension, calls it the "1".
Today, people have insisted that how their letter of the religion is the oldest, such as writing of the Bible dates back to 3500 years ago; about the Koran written in 1400 year before; Buddhism of Sakyamuni, Taoism of the Laozi, Confucianism of the Confucius were formed by 2500 year ago; even the Book of Mormon, is also as 160 years of history. However, the above are not a sect of the Earth's most ancient civilizations of religion, such as the belief of the pyramid covered, this belief can be traced back more than 20,000 years. Although it has lost, but we still see magnificent from the pyramids of Egypt or Mexico, the ".","1","o" symbols of the Middle East and the Americas, as well as the ancient civilizations around the world, feel that they rule the universe understanding and brilliant wisdom, and civilization.
They have written, but did not give a name and an invisible God be praised, such as the three major pyramids without any glorify God in the text. Because "." is the universe of all wisdom of God, it is simple and profound, no name, no worship. If the global various nationalities, and even the entire universe of human wisdom, are used "." as an omnipotent God, how there may be religious war of real God against faking divine?
The law of universe is a universal law, not religion, and does not need to be worshiped. The majority of religions in the earth are a kind of worship, so it will brook no criticism of others, who criticize them, they should be siege and persecution by followers, as an invisible chain of control of the follower’s souls.

4. Worship
1) The results of worship
Worship will lead to war, leading to the Earth's human-level lower. If the Second World War, German worshiped Hitler, which has resulted, in the whole of Europe, 40 million casualties and 200 million people homeless.
Japanese worshiped emperor of them as the descendants of Sun, which has resulted in Asia 50 million casualties and 300 million people have been displaced.
When the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese people have gone through a painful and turbulent years, then "Long live the" sloganeering broke sky, how the number of people shout death currently are unable to statistics. When I was boy go to the 5. 7 cadre schools of Guan county, Hepei province with my parents, witnessed two "5.16" cadres by shouting too low, beaten, hanged himself, I was lifelong memorable.
Until Mr.Deng Xiaoping era, China abandoned the worship, and removed portraits of Mr.Mao Zedong from the streets, pursued that Mr.Hua guofeng new personality cult, the only successful reform and opening up.
There are some extreme religious groups or refuse cult, and do everything possible to control the hearts of followers. The leader put himself as nonsense God, who will give his followers under the curse of anything or wrong, of evil, since ancient times to now as the case.
A typical modern cult in Japan is called as cult of the truth, they gave his followers to drink holy water and worship the end of the world, and then, put poisonous gas in the subway station, which resulted in dozens of people were killed and nearly 1,000 injured. The most recent one was 9.11 in USA, more than 2,700 innocent lives end their lives.
People worship without fear death, but the fact that they also feel the glorious death. As Bali islands in Indonesia, three young men, caving car bomb, caused the more than 100 Australians death, even were smiling in the courts. In fact, when a person's wisdom energy level dropped to a very low, an invisible force will lose your own, and you might commit suicide or murder, which may be a recipe for disaster and self-destruction. A person is the case, and a nation is the case, the whole of mankind as well.
When the Second World War, the Japanese Kamikaze death squads mounted aircraft into the warships of the United States, certainly they shouted in their hearts: "Emperor ah, I have to for your dedication." Yet the invisible God said: "dead young man, your energy level has dropped to the same as animal, 20 to 30 years of life to the ordinary animals, has been long enough."

Fig.6-5(1) September 11, 2001, three airplanes were hijacked and two crashed into New York's World Trade Center, resulting in 2,700 people died.

When 9.11 the hijackers mounted two aircraft into the World Trade Center, they also shouted in their hearts: "Allah ah, I have to for your dedication." Yet the invisible God said with a smile: "Unfortunately, I did not call the name of 'Allah', even not called 'God'. Whole of mankind in the universe gave me a name and then holding these names killings each other. In fact, you are trying to entire Earth's human energy into lower, if the money, which used to counter-terrorism, made several shuttle, the Earth's energy level could be quickly improve. "

2) The reasons of worship
The reason is why people worship, because these followers of religious leader have become to worship the idols. Idol’s words and deeds were not quite perfect, knowledge is not high, but they could allow themselves to become God that believers were offering to beyond the boundaries. Because not improve, the followers of different sects of God boast different factions began confrontation. War is the war of worship of the factions, and ultimately death is believers.
Since ancient times, people have carried on a such a formula, the more bigger they build churches; the more higher statue of the jigsaw puzzle the leader; but the more less understand real teachings of the Gods holding,. The worship became to hate other religions and hatred of the world, then blood war. The world's the poorest and ignorance areas is the most worship areas.
Science is not the case, today's professors, tomorrow may become student, student go over teachers is common in the scientific community. Renowned scientists are not idols, their efforts and mistakes led to scientific progress.

5. Summary
In fact, although there are many sects on our planet, teachings are the universe rules of ".","1","o". Therefore, they should be integrated in this framework, with no religious war, only peace. Please do not attempt to translate this rule into God's name for the religion, as long as the intentions of experience will be able to improve.

Fig. 6-5(2) Two head of baby stuck together, if the God's design is not perfect.

Previous comments:

All sing the praises, all under God, the world's proprietor, Compassionate to the main charity, the proprietor of retribution, we only worship you. For you help, and you guide us on the right track, and your right way, is not contingent angered way, is not confounded way.

〖Koran] 1: 1 - 7〗 -- Mohammed --

universal law book

The book has been reprinted many times, more and more the world's attention, probably people on this universe is a lot of doubt, their contemporary world of religious, philosophical and scientific theories of natural increasingly dissatisfied with the explanation, they are waiting with a more significant discoveries and breakthroughs.

This book is at this point of time there, answered the existing religion, philosophy and science can not answer the question, given the possible answers.
Follow the rules of the universe, the global religions (".") will be unified, for these people will no longer be religious war suffering, the world will become peaceful and beautiful.

Follow the rules of the universe, all social philosophies ("o") will be unity, the ruling class will be more concerned about the public weal and woe and humbly accept the people's supervision, social there will not be corruption and corrupt officials, the state will become more progress and prosperity.

Follow the rules of the universe, all the truth of scientific theories ("1") will be unified, scientists will spend more energy in the creation and the exploration of the universe, rather than the ruling class developed specifically for the murder weapon to endanger society.

Believe that in the future, there will be more and more people accept this book, love it, support it, and continue to improve it. People will from this book, and constantly felt the power and found that social illness, reform it, get rid of it, so that our society will progress and knowledge will progress, there will be no more war. By that time, the Earth people will be proud to say in the whole human universe, we also understand the rules of the universe, you now to join the ranks.

Anyone have question、suggestion and support,please contact :

P. O. Box 233 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia