

The shape of the universe is in accordance with the “universal law”


by     John Chang




Abstract: The universe has no other shape than the “explosion shape”. It wants to create celestial bodies, animals and plants according to the “. 1 0” rule, also known as the “universal law”.




Fig. 1.The Big Bang


To date, none of the fields of science, philosophy and religion have provided any explanation for how God created stars, animals and plants. Specifically, science has only the “gravitational theory”, philosophy gives no explanation, and religion speaks only of a “benevolence”. I intend to demonstrate the theory by which all scientists, philosophers and religious people can be convinced, namely that “the explosive shape of the universe” – the “. 1 0” type – is the “universal law”.

The universe expanded from a point in the Big Bang, its shape like “. 1 0”. The Bible says, “God made man according to his own image.” (see Fig. 1).




Fig. 2. The “. 1 0” type


In fact, the universe has only one shape, which is the explosion shape, formed according to the universal law. It is in accordance with this law that celestial bodies, plants and animals, including people, were created.


In other words, this corresponds wonderfully to the prophecy of the Old Testament. Yet religious people have nothing to say on the concept of the universal law.


On the other hand, the theory of the“. 1 0”type is a form, and not a formula or a theory. We use this form to explain any material changes, through “metaphysics”. The use of this form to explain all knowledge is the highest kind of knowledge. In this respect, philosophers have accepted our theory.


For the scientist, at the moment of the Big Bang, the explosion broke through the calm of time and space, stirring up time and space waves. Time and space as the medium can be bent. It was like the moment when a stone is thrown into calm water, with the water stirred into waves.



Fig. 3. Water wave


Why is that? Because time and space are energy, this wave shows the universal law that must be followed. This law is the “. 1 0” rule, or the universal law. Scientists have therefore accepted our theory.


From these arguments, we can say that the universal law can be accepted by religious people, philosophers and scientists, and that it unifies their theories. Furthermore, it opens a door to explaining how the universe created celestial bodies, animals and plants.






John Chang, Universal Law (2003),Universal Publishing(Chinese), Sydeny, Australia.


Faith and Civilization


By John Chang



         It is better to have faith than no faith, but it is worse to believe in wrong faith than without faith. Believing in wrong faith will kill people and cause wars and disasters. Numerous facts from ancient times to the present prove this point.


         The true beliefs are:


              Not based on the letter written by the leader.

              Not based on the believer’s record of the leader’s words, not based on the believer’s.

              Claim to be a god, or the son and messenger of God.

              Not worship these people or any people as idols.

              Observe the things of nature, Such as animals, plants and celestial bodies.

              These things are eternal and invincible, things they believe.


         The false beliefs are:


              According to the books and nonsense letters written by the leader, to believe.

              Based on the believer’s record of the leader’s words and the letter.

              Based on the political environment at the time.

              According to the fact that many leaders are anti-government corruption,

              or preaching for national power,

              or inciting public opinion for revolution or Power.


       Wrong beliefs lead the people astray, cause historical distortions and kill countless people. Faith is the biggest problem and spiritual sustenance on this planet. If this problem is not solved, no matter how advanced society is, no matter how advanced science is, it will be destroyed. For example, the most advanced trade center in the United States, where Muslims knocked down with just one plane, no matter how advanced the democratic system is, the Communist Party would destroy the system and the environment by killing people with corruption, money, and revolution.


       Thousands of years ago, they were all moral civilizations, so religions emphasized morality, but the emphasis was that they still slaughtered, because believers worshipped the leader while talking about morality.



        There are many leaders who say that they want believers to achieve great wisdom, but the books he wrote and the believers record his words are not wise at all, or do not reach great wisdom, how can he let his believers reach great wisdom.


         Many believers just worship the idol of the leader according to the mud womb. They only believe in this leader, one religion, and reject other religions and believers. How can you make him wise?

        Up to now, thousands of years have passed, and the true civilization of wisdom and rationality has arrived, unifying all religions that talk about the so-called moral and perceptual civilization, and does not worship any leader, nor does it worship philosophy or science.


         Christ and Catholic worship: The leader is blown by believers as the son of God, the holy king in heaven, the only god, and the virgin.


         Buddhism worship: the leader writes and can't say anything, it's all up to the believers, and then they collect money.


         Islam worship: The leader of the religion does not recognize any words, is blown up as a messenger by the believers, and massacres infidels, as it is today.


         Maxism worship: the leader of the peasant holding the success of the Maxism religion uprising in the West, he was praised as the emperor of long live, unity of politics and religion, and then turned public universities into church colleges, controlled by the Maxism priests (secretaries), and only the Maxism followers revolutionized. Others was a counter-revolutionary, and then began to kill people, propagating the ideals of socialism and communism that they did not know.


         Do you understand what is happening on this planet? Why is it so perverted? Why only propagate some superficial humanity and morality, set up a display for those with low education, and then force most of them to worship only people and false gods? Which leader can deceive people, can deceive them as gods and messengers? He is the son of God, is a Buddha and a bodhisattva, is a savior, and makes believers bow down. They can't be criticized. That is bad language, slander the gods and Buddhas, and be killed by infidels. The church takes the opportunity to amass money and power, and social morality is even worse.


         Nazi worship: Hitler was nominated by all the party members for the "Peace Award", and became a national hero, party leader, and then began to wage war and massacre neighboring countries.


         Modern worship: Gather the hearts of the people with slogans such as anti-emperor, anti-corruption, counter-revolution, and truthfulness, and build a larger church organization. Believers worship.


         At the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Jiao of the Yellow Turban Army opposed the emperor with "Taoism" and claimed to be a great teacher and general Tiangong.


         Hong Xiuquan of the Qing Dynasty opposed the Emperor of Manchu and Qing in the name of "Christianity" and claimed to be the king of heaven.


         Chairman Mao in the Republic of China, in the name of the "Equestrianism" revolution in Europe, opposed the government of the Republic of China and claimed to be Long live Mao.


          Li used the "Indian Buddhism" as Falun Gong and his anti-communist... and claimed to be the wheel king.


        Almost all of these low-level religions in the stellar system in history have been used by the peasant rebels and the Church of Stupid People to be anti-society and "emperor", because "emperor" is also fake, and it is also used by eunuchs and party newspapers.


         Around 2012, the golden book of colorful warriors displayed the world's people with the laws of nature, and truly carried forward Chinese civilization, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and faith, and unified religion, philosophy and science.


        The extraterrestrial civilization of the Milky Way shows that all the religions of the solar system will be unified.


         The leaders of Christianity and Buddhism also predict that their religion will die out in the future, or be unified by the galactic civilization or the Chinese Eastern civilization.


         After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Communist Party has suffered a major blow. There are only a few countries in the world that are lingering, but God is still punishing them, causing air pollution, water poisoning, and food poisoning. I believe that this church will continue to be suppressed and eliminated soon and will be banned globally.


        Islam has come to an end, killing civilians everywhere and suppressing women. There have been many national legislations in the world to abolish blindfolded headscarves that suppress women in public and restrict schools and buildings that believe in this religion. I believe that soon, this teaching will be banned worldwide.


        Eastern civilization or Chinese civilization once again demonstrated its great vitality, unifying the world, not force, but culture and civilization. The law of the universe, the common belief of mankind throughout the universe, will continue to grow throughout the world and become the future direction of solar system civilization.







1.  John Chang: "Oriental Systems Literature" (2016), Universal Publishing, Sydney, Australia.




The pseudo-scientist on terror and evil

 by  john chang


海之涛: 地震预言未来








2 1964327日,美国阿拉斯加,耶稣受难日地震,8.5级,死139人。


3 196638日,中国河北省邢台地震,震级6.8级,死亡8064人。




5 1976728日,中国唐山大地震,震级7.8,约24万多人死亡。


6 197734日,罗马尼亚布加勒斯特地震,7.2级,1578人死亡。




8 1988127日,苏联亚美尼亚斯皮塔克地震,6.8级,死2.5万人。





11 199824日,阿富汗发生地震,6.1级,4,500人死亡。


12 20041226日,印度洋大地震及南亚海啸,震级9.2,超28万人死。


13 2008512日,中国四川汶川大地震,震级8.2,超6.9万人死亡。


14 2011311日本东北近海大地震和海啸,震级9.1,死人2万。


15 20200516美国内华达州发生地震,6.5级,死不多。



本世纪的三次最强的地震,全部是在9级以上,死人都超过十几万,分别发生在1960年,2004年,2011年,分别对应着“银河系文明的出现, “恒星系文明”的死亡,太神奇了!


 ( 天、地、人科学配合“银河系文明”大转变,2020524日,增减篇)


1.    海之涛: 《宇宙法则》(2003年)宇宙法则出版社出版,澳洲悉尼。


海之涛: 论“均贫富”和“共产”


  “共产”以前叫“均贫富”,是北宋王小波和李顺最先提出,西方马列抄袭了中国古人的概念,换了一个名字,比如把“大哥大”叫“手机”,为什么许多中国人喜欢这个共产呢? 因为这确实是中国的原创概念。







  中国历代封建统治者都喜好对外撒钱,不知道是他们闭关锁国,还是思想与世界脱节 ( 大概手下宣传部门封锁了外部文明,控制本国人民思想,但也封闭了领导人的判断 ),或想弥补一下国际间的经济贫富不均。尽管天朝的百姓仍然贫困,教育和医疗落后,但皇帝不管,持续撒钱援助扶贫和减免贷款给周围那些文化和经济穷国,只要外邦国平静,就可镇压国内民众,攘内必先安外。 




  象中国周边的越南和朝鲜,不论中国给他们多少援助,他们都不会心怀感谢,当个要饭的,一但有机会就会反手进攻中国,如越南就已经在70年代对中国边境进行袭击。所以中国的最大威胁不是富裕文明的西方,而是周边的穷国,远方的西方最多是在外围施加压力,让邻国包围中国。 ( 战国时代和汉唐的国策是远交近攻,即与远方国家建交,打击近邻,震撼远方。)

王朝向外撒钱,建立所谓国家之间的经济平衡,但得不到周边各国的认同,那他们认同什么呢? 他们认同你的文明科技和文化,比如日本和韩国,他们只对中国的文化情有独钟,崇拜唐宋文化,连文字都抄过去了,你不用战争,他们就已经是你的友邦和文化圈。




我听后真很不是滋味,可叹当今统领世界四分之一人口的大国领导人,却拜西方小国马列狗屎为教宗 ( 如果象北朝鲜这样的小国也就算了),被全球人民啐骂,甚至被无文化的柬埔寨村民咒骂,这让我中华大国祖先,秦皇汉武和唐宗宋祖,当年金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎,用中华儒道智慧惠及周边邻国,使他们崇拜中华文明情以何堪。













当朝廷的贪官奸人太多时,腐败就把持朝政,忠良的能人就无法伸展( 目前甚至许多大学入学考试的好学生分数都被奸人顶替 ),他们必然转向国外势力和帮助外敌,或以除君侧为名起义。这就是被国人感叹的事情发生了,中国历史上为什么这么多汉奸? 可那些受到海外强大文明影响的“汉奸”,又都感叹国内封建的制度,为什么这么多贪官污吏愚民义和团五毛粪青。    



在这种情况下,政府的任何错误决策都能通过,甚至包括恢复帝制。又如前书记薄熙来给前市长王立军一个大嘴巴,就知道这体制是什么了,家奴而已。又如各省的第一把手书记都表态要让中央放心,为什么不表态让人民放心呢? 因为他们只忠于中央,是上级领导给了他们的权力,而不是人民。反观清朝的官员还都比较诚实,自称“朝廷命官”,而不扯谎称是“人民公仆”。

不说远的,当朝的徐才厚郭伯雄之流把持军队,不送钱能提拔吗?  而能送钱和提拔的都是贪腐平庸之辈。当大敌当前时,送钱的肯定不敢打仗,他们又都是高官。而能打仗有才能的,都被庸官打压和陷害,象岳飞袁崇焕这样的,即使关键时刻才重用他们杀敌,但仍然被贪官陷害。更有许多能人,在贪官的打压和排挤之下,愤然转向敌军,帮助敌军攻打朝廷和庸官,这就是历史上为什么这么多“汉奸”!     



  1900年庚子年,侵华八国联军向腐败的清政府索赔,清政府被迫与德﹑法﹑俄﹑英﹑美﹑日等11国驻华公使,于190197日在北京签订了《辛丑条约》。清廷全权代表怒斥外国代表中的中国翻译:“你为什么总帮外国人讲话? 难道你不是汉人!”翻译反唇相讥,一口痰啐到清廷代表的脸上: “就是你们这群狗官堵塞了上进之路,我才这样!”

  2020年疫情大爆发,全球所有国家都在向中国政府索赔,因为他们仍然相信,中国目前还象民国时期一样,全部金钱就掌握在几个大家族的手上,几个人说了算,索赔也就是向中国的几个大家族索赔,与中国人民何干? 也难怪他们是这样认为的,中国政府也没有向中国人民和人大征求任何意见,就随手甩出几十亿美元给了世界贪腐卫生组织,那可是全国人民的血汗钱。





为什么中国人民这么喜欢和熟悉呢? 因为这“共产”的祖先就在中国,一千年前,中国的农民老大哥就喊“共产”了,那时叫“均贫富”,就象“手机以前的名称叫“大哥大”一样。



如果照此来说,入党宣誓时前面应该放一个王小波和李顺的像,把拳头举起来,向中国的老教主,原创教主宣誓: “我们今天志愿加入‘均贫富’党,就是后来被西方列强组织抄袭的‘共产党’原创,我们将踩着古人和前人的鲜血,为劳苦大众,为打倒一切地主资本家和封建皇帝,为‘均贫富’贡献一生 ………”

“起来,饥寒交迫的农民,………, 帝王将相可有种乎!………,农民造反有理,………,教主来了不纳粮,…………”。“均贫富”的党员们,干嘛向西方马列这几个徒子徒孙抄袭货敬礼呢? 搞反了吧? 这些西方抄袭货应该向原创王小波和李顺鞠躬敬礼!共产主义的真正祖宗在中国。





( 文章原创,纯属学术研究,图片来自网上 )


 1. 海之涛: 宇宙法则2003年)宇宙法则出版社出版,澳洲悉尼。
  2. 海之涛: 大终极理论2013年)宇宙法则出版社出版,澳洲悉尼。